Pie Subscription
Pie Subscription Service
Please note: If you live in San Francisco and would like to sign up for our ongoing pie subscription service, you can sign up here.
We: Source the finest seasonal ingredients, locally and organically, and bake them into fresh delicious pies, then send them to you.
You: Love pie (or love someone who lives pie) and want to order a pie once a month for either three months, six months or a year, to be shipped to you wherever you may be (within the continental US - sorry 'bout it, Hawaii!)
*Please note that at this time we are only shipping nut pies, so you'll get a sampling of our favorites - Pecan, Salty Honey Walnut, Chocolate Pecan with a graham cracker crust, Frangipanes of all kinds, etc, etc. If you're allergic to nuts, this isn't for you!
*Fruit pies are available for our local subscription, which is available on GoodEggs.
Getting the Pie: We mail out all pies via 2-day USPS Priority. We insure all of our pies but we can't guarantee they will arrive on a specific day. If you order by December 15th, we'll mail out on the 17th for a projected arrival by Christmas!
Freezing our Pies: Totally doable! You can store our pies in the freezer until you're ready to eat. Then, just pull the pies out of the freezer the night before you want to eat them to let them thaw. The next day, crisp in the oven for 20 minutes at 375 degrees and you're good to go! (This has been our undoing many a late night!)